The LQW series from Murata are wire wound inductors used for general purpose applications. These inductors with high Q values are mainly used in matching circuits of RF units for excellent attenuation characteristics in band pass filters. They are also used in the matching applications of antennas for maintaining transmission and reception sensitivity. Innovative coil and case structures provide low Rdc characteristics.
Image for reference only.Â
- Inductance value ranges from 1.1nH to 4.7μH
- EIA 0201, 03015, 0402, 0603, 0805, 1008, 1206 case sizes available
- ±0.5nH, ±5%, ±10%, ±20%, ±30%tolerance
- Operating temperature range -55°C to +125°C
- Low DC resistance
- Extremely high Q (Quality factor) value
- Large currents can be supported
Package Includes:Â
1 x LQW18CNR16J00D-Murata Electronics-Wirewound Inductor, 160 nH, 0.1 ohm, 900 MHz, 1 A, 0603 [1608 Metric], LQW18CN_00 Series
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