SIA519EDJ-T1-GE3-VISHAY-Dual MOSFET, Complementary N and P Channel, 20 V, 20 V, 4.5 A, 4.5 A, 0.053 ohm. Transistors are semiconductor devices that can amplify or switch electronic signals. They are fundamental components in modern electronics, found in everything from computers to smartphones.
- Manufacturer: VISHAY
- Channel Type: N and P Channel
- Voltage Rating (V): 20
- Resistance (Ohm):0.053
- Current Rating:4.5 A
Package Includes:Â
1 x SIA519EDJ-T1-GE3-VISHAY-Dual MOSFET, Complementary N and P Channel, 20 V, 20 V, 4.5 A, 4.5 A, 0.053 ohm
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