PM2110-470K-RC 1926 High Current SMD Power Inductors is a passive electronic device widely used in electronic circuits. It is an insulated coil that is a wire wound on a ring-shaped form that is made of different materials, such as powdered iron, ferrite, or another material.
An inductor is mostly used where large inductance is required. inductors have more inductance per turn and can carry more current than solenoids with a core of similar material and size.
- Input/output of DC/DC converters
- Industrial Electronics
- Power supplies for:
- Portable communications equipment
- Camcorders
- Series: PM2110
- Formerly model
- Current rating up to 25.4 A
- RoHS compliant
- coefficient:470K
- RC: 1926
- Operating Temperature: .-55 °C to +105 °C
Packages Include:Â
1 x High Current SMD Power Inductors
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