PIC12F615-I/P-MICROCHIP-8 Bit MCU, Flash, PIC12 Family PIC12F6xx Series Microcontrollers, PIC12, 20 MHz, 1.75 KB, 8 Pins.The PIC12F615-I/P is a 8-bit 8-pin Flash-based CMOS Microcontroller. It has a 13-bit program counter capable of addressing an 8k x 14 program memory space. Only the first 1k x 14 (0000h-03FFh) is physically implemented. Accessing a location above these boundaries will cause a wrap-around within the first 1k x 14 space and within the first 2k x 14 space for the PIC12F617 device. The reset vector is at 0000h and the interrupt vector is at 0004h.
Note: Images for reference only.
Device Core:: PIC12
Operating Frequency Max:: 20MHz
Program Memory Size:: 1.75KB
No. of Pins:: 8Pins
IC Case / Package:: DIP
No. of I/O’s:: 6I/O’s
RAM Memory Size:: 64Byte
ADC Channels:: 4Channels
ADC Resolution:: 10Bit
Supply Voltage Min:: 2V
Supply Voltage Max:: 5.5V
Operating Temperature Min:: -40°C
Operating Temperature Max:: 85°C
IC Mounting:: Through Hole
MCU Family:: PIC12
MCU Series:: PIC12F6xx
For detailed specifications, please refer to datasheet in Attachments.
Package Includes:
1 x PIC12F615-I/P-MICROCHIP-8 Bit MCU, Flash, PIC12 Family PIC12F6xx Series Microcontrollers, PIC12, 20 MHz, 1.75 KB, 8 Pins
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