PIC12F1572-I/MS-MICROCHIP-8 Bit MCU, Flash, PIC12 Family PIC12LF15xx Series Microcontrollers, PIC12, 32 MHz, 3.5 KB, 8 Pins.The PIC12F1572-I/MS is a 8-pin Microcontroller combine the capabilities of high precision 16-bit PWMs with analogue to suit a variety of applications. This device delivers three 16-bit PWMs with independent timers, for applications where high resolution is needed, such as LED lighting, stepper motors, power supplies and other general-purpose applications. The core independent peripherals (16-bit PWMs, complementary waveform generator), enhanced universal synchronous asynchronous receiver transceiver and intelligent analogue (ADCs, Comparator and DAC) enable closed loop feedback and communication for use in multiple market segments, such as LIN and DMX applications.
Note: Images for reference only.
Product Range:: PIC12 Family PIC12LF15xx Series Microcontrollers
Device Core:: PIC12
Operating Frequency Max:: 32MHz
Program Memory Size:: 3.5KB
No. of Pins:: 8Pins
IC Case / Package:: MSOP
No. of I/O’s:: 6I/O’s
Interfaces:: EUSART
RAM Memory Size:: 256Byte
ADC Channels:: 4Channels
ADC Resolution:: 10Bit
Supply Voltage Min:: 2.3V
Supply Voltage Max:: 5.5V
Operating Temperature Min:: -40°C
Operating Temperature Max:: 85°C
IC Mounting:: Surface Mount
MCU Family:: PIC12
MCU Series:: PIC12LF15xx
Qualification:: –
MSL:: MSL 1 – Unlimited
For detailed specifications, please refer to datasheet in Attachments.
Package Includes:
1 x PIC12F1572-I/MS-MICROCHIP-8 Bit MCU, Flash, PIC12 Family PIC12LF15xx Series Microcontrollers, PIC12, 32 MHz, 3.5 KB, 8 Pins
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