The AVX multilayer ceramic capacitors with EIA class II, X7R dielectric material are temperature stable ceramic chip capacitors. This multilayer ceramic capacitor is a monolithic block uF ceramic containing two sets uF uFfset, interleaved planar electrodes that extend to two opposite suuFaces uF ceramic dielectric. CapacitanceuFor X7R dielectric varies under iuFluence uF electrical operating conditions such as voltage anduFrequency. X7R dielectric chip usage covers broad spectrum uF industrial applications where known changes in capacitance due to applied voltages are acceptable.
Package Includes:
1 x 08055C472KAT2A-KYOCERA AVX-SMD Multilayer Ceramic Capacitor, 4700 uF, 50 V, 0805 [2012 Metric], ± 10%, X7R
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